Friday, April 16, 2010

Roll of Thunder...

For my book I am reading “Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry. “ I am really enjoying my book. It is about an African American family that is experiencing very rude and cruel behavior towards them. They are getting beaten and harassed. Many whites are very racist to them.
It shows the many differences of the culture of African-Americans back in the sixties. It also shows how the race isn’t different and they should be treated equally. They aren’t very rich and they are a family with a girl, 3 boys, a mother, a grandmother, and a father that is barely ever home. Their father is constantly working for the family and the mother is a teacher. But they still do not have a lot of money. People will shove them and make fun of them and it makes you think, why would they do that? It’s just a person just like me and you. It is just like harassing somebody of your own race. They look different from the outside but are very similar on the inside. They are the same race: Human. Not one race is better than the other. I know many people that would disagree but according to my family and I, all people, black, white, brown, or blue, are equal. In the book, there is a very racist group of people with the last name of Wallace. They beat up all of the black kids that come by and don’t let blacks enter their store. They are one of those groups that think one race is better than the other. If people learn this, the world would be much more peaceful and a lot of more people will be happy. But from where we stand, racism has decreased and continues to decrease but there will also be that one little group of people.

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