Friday, May 21, 2010

One Shirt, Two shirts, Redshirts, Blueshirts

I think that the Thailand Red Shirts should quit fighting with the government.

The Redshirts only are fighting to get the old prime minister back and reestablish the old government. I do not think that the Thailand government is going to give up against some protestors who don’t like them. Plus, the government is much stronger than a bunch of middle-class protestors. There is proof as well. 15 people were killed by the military in Bangkok and there were 96 wounded. 3 of the redshirt leaders have just surrendered but there have been more and there will be more. The redshirts are slowly being taken care of and they still continue to keep protesting anyway. The government continues to take them down though. I would think that they have learned their lesson by now but they cannot seem to learn from their mistakes. The more the protesting goes on, the more the protestors will be harmed. They really hate the government, but no matter what they do, the government of the country will always beat the country itself.

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